Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

BioDIP's History

The BioDIP has developed over a couple of years. Major steps were the foundation of the Imaging Facilities Network (IFN) in 2006 and later the foundation of the BioDIP in 2013 enabled by the DFG "Core facilities" funding.
Here you find the timeline containing minor and major milestones of BioDIPs development.

Jan Dudeck - MTZ Immunology - Mouse skin blood vessel
The circulation of neutrophil granulocytes in a mouse skin blood vessel. The image has been acquired in a living mouse, supported by MTZ, Z3-Facility

Extraordinary BioDIP Seminar with Janos Peti-Pederti

Janos Peti-Pederti uses high-resolution intravital microscopy to identify key molecular players in various renal pathologies as potential therapeutic targets. Recently, the Peti-Peterdi lab deployed serial multiphoton microscopy to track the fate and function of individual cells in the living intact kidney over several days during disease development.

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GerBI meeting in Fulda

From July 11-12 German BioImaging held its annual meeting in Fulda. One important topic was the perspectives of GerBI and it was decided to transform German BioImaging into a non-profit organization.

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Luxendo demos MuVi SPIM at CRTD

From June 20 to July 1 the EMBL spin-off Luxendo, specialized on high speed and high resolution SPIM systems, presented their lates developement in light sheet bioimaging. The system was installed at the CRTD and interested users could test the the microscope with their own sample.

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Christopher Schmied joins IP at DZNE

Christopher is a specialist for image processing and will support IP users in the processing and analysis of their data. He did his PhD in the lab of Pavel Tomancak where he developed a workflow for the processing of large SPIM data sets.

Welcome Christopher!