Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

Coordination BioDIP

The BioDIP DFG Core Facility project lead by Prof. Dr. Michael Brand has ended successfully in December 2019. Since 2021 a new rolling model of coordination had been put into place. The chair and co-chair responsibility changes every year based on an election of a new co-chair. The previous co-chair automatically becomes chair in the following year.

This is the latest history of BioDIP chairs:

2020 & 2021: Dr. Hella Hartmann
2022: Dr. Ruth Hans
2023: Dr. Thomas Kurth




Thomas Kurth

BioDIP Chair
Facility Leader
CMCB, TU Dresden


Johannes Soltwedel

BioDIP Co-chair
PoL, TU Dresden


Coordination Group

The BioDIP Coordination Group provides advice in all scientific, technical and organizational issues of importance. It is composed of at least one representative of each of the involved research institutions.

Current members of the BioDIP Coordination Group are Prof. Michael Brand (CRTD), Prof. Stefan Diez (CMCB), Prof. Stephan Grill (MPI-CBG), Prof. Gerd Kempermann (DZNE) and Dr. Ivan Baines (MPI-CBG).


Michael Brand

Research Group Leader
CRTD, TU Dresden


Stefan Diez

Research Group Leader
CMCB Director, TU Dresden


Stephan Grill

Research Group Leader


Gerd Kempermann

Research Group Leader
Speaker DZNE Dresden


Ivan Baines

Chief Operating Officer