Located at the CRTD, the CMCB Electron Microscopy Facility offers advice and service concerning sample preparation, labeling and imaging of biological specimen in TEM, SEM and CLEM.
Located at the BIOTEC the CMCB Histology Facility offers service concerning sample preparation/sectioning of biological material.
Center for Regenerative Therapies TU Dresden
Fetscherstraße 105
01307 Dresden
e-mail: thomas.kurth@tu-dresden.de
phone: +49 - 351 - 463 82090
web: CMCB EMF webpage
Conventional processing and embedding of cells and tissues into epoxy or methacrylate resins (Epon, Spurrs resin, Lowicryl) including microwave-assisted tissue processing
Embedding into gelatin/sucrose followed by plunge freezing for Tokuyasu cryo-sectioning and immunogold labeling
High pressure freezing (HPF) and freeze substitution (FS)
Variations and combinations of sample preparation methods, such as chemical fixation followed by infiltration in sucrose, plunge freezing, freeze substitution and epon or Lowicryl embedding
Ultramicrotomy (room temperature and cryo): semithin sections for light microscopy and ultrathin sections for TEM
Negative staining
Immunogold labeling of resin or Tokuyasu cryo-sections (postembedding labeling)
Preembedding immunolabeling using HRP or Nanogold and silver enhancement
In addition to image acquisition, the EM facility provides data storage and image-processing support (registration, 3D reconstruction, image segmentation).