Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

BioDIP's History

The BioDIP has developed over a couple of years. Major steps were the foundation of the Imaging Facilities Network (IFN) in 2006 and later the foundation of the BioDIP in 2013 enabled by the DFG "Core facilities" funding.
Here you find the timeline containing minor and major milestones of BioDIPs development.


Luis Rodriguez has joined the LMF at CMCB

After finishing his master at BIOTEC/TU Dresden, Luis has joined the LMF and will focus on establishing clearing protocols for various tissues and organsims.

Welcome Luis!




BioImage Analysis team has moved

The image processing specialists of the BioImage Analysis Team moved to the new CSBD building which is just next door to the MPI-CBG.


New BioDIP member Jens Ehrig

Jens is head of the newly established Molecular Imaging and Manipulation facility (MIM) at B CUBE and has joined our network.

Welcome Jens!

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Example of a FLIM image from Stahl et al., 2013, Curr Biol
FLIM example image from "Moderation of Arabidopsis root stemness by CLAVATA1 and ARABIDOPSIS CRINKLY4 receptor kinase complexes.
Stahl Y, Grabowski S, Bleckmann A, Kühnemuth R, Weidtkamp-Peters S, Pinto KG, Kirschner GK, Schmid JB, Wink RH, Hülsewede A, Felekyan S, Seidel CA, Simon R.
Curr Biol. 2013 Mar 4;23(5):362-71. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.01.045."

BioDIP Seminar on FLIM

The Winter Seminar was dedicated to Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM), a technique that e.g. allows to study protein-protein interactions in vivo. The Introduction was given by Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters who has many years of experience in microscopy & spectroscopy.

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